Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Parish Celebrates 130 Years

The sun shown on the gathering crowd as the bell in the steeple announced the celebration - Sacred Heart Parish was 130 years old on September 19. Visitors admired the many renovations to the historic structure including the restoration of the original red brick surface, the cleaning of the stained-glass windows and the rebuilt stairway to the front of the church. Less visible were the extensive heating and air conditioning upgrades and an additional fire escape that brought the buildings up to current fire codes. Many elderly parishioners were particularly grateful for the elevator that brings worshippers from the ground floor to the main body of the church.
The open house was followed by a celebration of the Mass by Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Two choirs of the parish sang as several councils of Knights of Columbus and the Ancient Order of Hibernians processed ahead of numerous clergy, parishioners and visitors. In his homily, Archbishop Chaput reminded the congregation of the work of those had come before - the founders, the Jesuits and Capuchins - and gave special recognition to Father Marcus Medrano for "keeping the faith" for so many years. The archbishop focused on the gospel of Mark, which teaches us that "If any man wants to be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all." The archbishop added that churches should be “schools where we learn how to love, making ourselves like children, simple and dependent on God.”
The celebration continued at Centro San Juan Diego, the former Sacred Heart School, at 2860 Lawrence Street.
The parish invites visitors to the church with daily Mass at 8 am in the chapel on the ground floor, and Sunday Masses at 8 am, 9:45 am (Spanish) and 11:30 am.
Long-time parishioner, Erma Zamora, describes plans for the prayer garden.
Archbishop Chaput selected Spencer to demonstrate how Christians should become like children before God.

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