If you spend any time at all at Sacred Heart Parish you are likely to meet Sally and David Solano, long-time Denver residents with roots in Sacred Heart and Sts Peter and Paul parishes. Now retired from Quest, Sally and David devote their time and energy to Sacred Heart, volunteering for the food bank at the church, working with the parish council, the stewardship committee and numerous volunteers. Their most important undertaking for the parish, however, has been the religious education program.
Religious education will resume on Saturday, September 5th and continue to the end of May. Recent renovations and improvements have resulted in 10 brand new classrooms able to accommodate as many as 200 students. Studies include preparation for First Communion or Confirmation with the cost for instructional materials-$35 for First Communion, $45 for Confirmation-being the lowest in the diocese. A week of faith-based summer camp will be offered in June. Religious education for adults, including Baptism and Confirmation, is also available.
Sally and David Solano hope their enthusiasm will encourage parishioners to take advantage of the opportunities to broaden their faith. For further information, call 303-294-9830.