Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe

It was dark and cold at 6:30 am on Saturday December 12 when members of Sacred Heart Parish gathered to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe. The day began with singing and Mariachi music, followed by a procession to Centro San Juan Diego on Lawrence Street, a hearty breakfast and return to Sacred Heart Church for Mass at 10 am. Monsignor Jorge de Los Santos celebrated Mass and parishioners presented the story of Mary's appearance to Juan Diego, a poor humble Aztec Indian.
On December 9, 1531, in Mexico, Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego, who had recently converted to the Catholic faith. She asked him to go to the bishop and tell him to build a church where she said "I will show and offer all of my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to my people." Juan Diego did as she asked, but the bishop asked for a sign that this message was really from Our Lady.
Mary granted his request. On December 12, she showed Juan where the most beautiful Castilian roses were and told him to gather them. It was a miracle that the roses were there and in bloom because the ground was an infertile place where only cactus and thistles grew and the weather was cold. After Juan Diego gathered them, she helped arrange them in his tilma, or cloak, and told him to show them to the bishop.
When Juan Diego brought the roses to the bishop, he was amazed at the flowers, but was even more amazed at what began to happen to Juan Diego's tilma. Right before their very eyes, the image of Our Lady began to form on the cloth, and the bishop fell to his knees. He had the church built.
After 470 years, the colors have not faded and the cloth has not deteriorated. The tilma has been on display in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe for all this time.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas at Sacred Heart begins with Posadas, which means "inn" or "shelter" in Spanish, and recreates Mary and Joseph's search for a place to stay in Bethlehem. The celebration begins Sunday night, December 20, and continues Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
There will be a bilingual Mass Thursday evening, Christmas Eve, at 6 pm and a Mass in English Christmas Day at 10 am.
Masses New Year's Day will be at 8 am in English and a bilingual Mass at noon.
For more information, call 303-294-9830.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Religious Education

The Sacred Heart Church Journal and School Calendar of September 1899 lists the names of 78 new pupils, who would be welcomed by Sisters Catherine Sienna, Mary Seton and Avila of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio. Both the church and school were growing until the 1920s, when the neighborhood lost residents to the new suburbs of City Park and Park Hill,and eventually, the school would close its doors in 1979.
Growth has returned to the neighborhood around the parish and religious education continues at Sacred Heart parish with over 200 children receiving instruction in 10 newly-painted and upgraded classrooms. Religious studies are also available to those wishing to learn about the Catholic faith, couples wanting to be married in the Church and those who wish to have their children baptized.
Call 303-294-9830 for more information.
Sacred Heart High School Class of 1899, Robert Egerer, George Brown, Katie Carroll, Cecelia Bautsch, Willie Reidy, Agnes O'Keefe, and Angela Gilmore.
Parents, teachers and students are ready for Saturday's classes. Photo Mary Lou Egan

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Saturday mornings at Sacred Heart

Saturday, September 19 was a busy morning at Sacred Heart parish. Deacon Ruben Estrada spoke to a church filled with the families of nine children awaiting Baptism, their parents and sponsors. In both English and Spanish, Deacon Estrada said that the parties that would be held later were a wonderful time for families to get together but were not the most important part of the celebration. He reminded everyone that Baptism is the beginning of the Christian life and a day by day responsibility of parents and families.
Outside the recently restored rectory, 200 children and their parents were receiving information on their teachers the and location of their religious education classes. 10 newly painted and upgraded rooms welcomed the students for the year.
Religious studies are also available to those wishing to learn about the Catholic faith, couples wanting to be married in the Church and those who wish to have their children baptized.
Call 303-294-9830 for more information.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Parish Celebrates 130 Years

The sun shown on the gathering crowd as the bell in the steeple announced the celebration - Sacred Heart Parish was 130 years old on September 19. Visitors admired the many renovations to the historic structure including the restoration of the original red brick surface, the cleaning of the stained-glass windows and the rebuilt stairway to the front of the church. Less visible were the extensive heating and air conditioning upgrades and an additional fire escape that brought the buildings up to current fire codes. Many elderly parishioners were particularly grateful for the elevator that brings worshippers from the ground floor to the main body of the church.
The open house was followed by a celebration of the Mass by Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Two choirs of the parish sang as several councils of Knights of Columbus and the Ancient Order of Hibernians processed ahead of numerous clergy, parishioners and visitors. In his homily, Archbishop Chaput reminded the congregation of the work of those had come before - the founders, the Jesuits and Capuchins - and gave special recognition to Father Marcus Medrano for "keeping the faith" for so many years. The archbishop focused on the gospel of Mark, which teaches us that "If any man wants to be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all." The archbishop added that churches should be “schools where we learn how to love, making ourselves like children, simple and dependent on God.”
The celebration continued at Centro San Juan Diego, the former Sacred Heart School, at 2860 Lawrence Street.
The parish invites visitors to the church with daily Mass at 8 am in the chapel on the ground floor, and Sunday Masses at 8 am, 9:45 am (Spanish) and 11:30 am.
Long-time parishioner, Erma Zamora, describes plans for the prayer garden.
Archbishop Chaput selected Spencer to demonstrate how Christians should become like children before God.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

130 year Celebration at Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Church, Denver's oldest continuing operating Catholic church at 2760 Larimer Street, will celebrate its 130 year anniversary on Saturday September 19th. The festivities include:
4:00 – 5:00 p.m: Open house - Walk through the Church and the Parish Office to see the new construction and renovation. Enjoy the details of a 130 year old structure.

5:00 – 6:30 pm: Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Chaput, in appreciation of the many years of Catholic service to the City and County of Denver. 6:30 – 9:00 pm: Reception at San Juan Diego Center, the former Sacred Heart School at 2740 Lawrence.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Journey on Earth

The April 14, 1899 headline in the Denver Post read "Remains of Horace A. W. Tabor Laid Away in Calvary Cemetery." Many pages were devoted to the story of Tabor's fortune, amassed from the silver mines of Leadville, and his rise to power as US senator from Colorado. The newspaper recalled his many civic contributions and donations to charity, as well as his graciousness after losing his money. The Post made no mention of Tabor's scandalous divorce and remarriage to Elizabeth"Baby" Doe. The body was drawn by hearse from the state capitol at Colfax and Grant to Sacred Heart Church at 28th and Larimer as thousands watched the procession. Denver Mayor Johnson and Colorado Governor Thomas were in attendance, as well as William Byers, founder of the Rocky Mountain News, and M. J. McNamara, president of the the Denver Dry Goods Company. The Reverend Edward Barry delivered the funeral oration. "To many it was a surprise that he became a Catholic in his old age, but to us it was not. That he entered into the full joy of religion is shown by his dying words, 'This is the happiest moment of my life.'"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sacred Heart 1899

The Denver Public Library has many treasures in its Western History Department, including several bound volumes of the church calendar and school journal from 1899. Much like the parish bulletin of today, the publication lists the "order of services" with Mases on Sunday at 6, 7, 8:30 am. A children's Mass at 9:30, High Mass and sermon at 11, Sunday school at 2 pm. Vespers, rosary, sermon and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament were held at 7:30 pm. Numerous parish organizations were listed including the League of the Sacred Heart, individual sodalities for married and single men and ladies, several choirs and the "Bona Mors," the Happy Death Association. The parish was also home to many benevolent societies such as the Ladies Aid Society, the Knights of St. John and the St. Cecelia Auxiliary.
The news portion of the bulletin is informative and neighborly with such entries as "Mrs. Frank Walter, lately of 2926 Gilpin Street, has removed to Cripple Creek."
"Mr. James Nixon of 3036 Stout Street, had a very severe attack of appendicitis last month."
"Rev. Father Casey's memorial sermon at Mt. Olivet on Decoration Day was a masterly piece of eloquence-patriotic, philosophic and pious."
The parish was a vibrant community and the "Journal" reflects that. As the church prepares for its 130th anniversary, we hope to instill that same excitement and devotion.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sally and David Solano

If you spend any time at all at Sacred Heart Parish you are likely to meet Sally and David Solano, long-time Denver residents with roots in Sacred Heart and Sts Peter and Paul parishes. Now retired from Quest, Sally and David devote their time and energy to Sacred Heart, volunteering for the food bank at the church, working with the parish council, the stewardship committee and numerous volunteers. Their most important undertaking for the parish, however, has been the religious education program.
Religious education will resume on Saturday, September 5th and continue to the end of May. Recent renovations and improvements have resulted in 10 brand new classrooms able to accommodate as many as 200 students. Studies include preparation for First Communion or Confirmation with the cost for instructional materials-$35 for First Communion, $45 for Confirmation-being the lowest in the diocese. A week of faith-based summer camp will be offered in June. Religious education for adults, including Baptism and Confirmation, is also available.
Sally and David Solano hope their enthusiasm will encourage parishioners to take advantage of the opportunities to broaden their faith. For further information, call 303-294-9830.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sacred Heart Parish Picnic

As people gathered at Cuernavaca Park on Sunday, June 28, Father Gene Emrisek began with celebration of Mass in both English and Spanish, praising mothers for accepting children from God, and young people for their enthusiasm and courage. Father Gene encouraged parishioners to be thankful this week for the blessings in our lives.
Mass was followed by an enormous variety of food, entertainment and parishioners and families visiting with one another.

Pastor Gene Emrisek
Left to right, Rosa Mendoza, Teresa Mendoza, Gloria Aguilar, Yesica Masias, Mere Hexcugtla and (back) Jorge Reyes lent their musical talents to the celebration.
Rubel and Jose served up the hamburgers and hot dogs.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sacred Heart Parish Picnic

It's finally summer and we're going to hold a picnic on Sunday, June 28 at Cuernavaca Park at 20th and Platte Street, from 11 am to 5 pm. We will begin with the celebration of a bilingual Mass at 12 pm and follow with food, fellowship and games for the children.
Bring a plate to share, such as salads, beans, pasta, fruit or other dishes. Contact the parish at 303-294-9830 for directions or more information.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Block Party

What better way to start the summer and meet the neighbors than to hold a block party? That was the idea behind the activities at Sacred Heart Church on Saturday, May 30th. Visitors could meet members of the parish, pastor Father Gene Emrisek, and the new director of religious education, David Solano and his wife Sally. Parish volunteers dispensed information about the church, the programs available and the ongoing restoration. There were free hot dogs from the grill, popcorn and snow cones. Entertainment was provided by two different bands and the Grupo Tlaloc Aztec dancers. It is hoped that there will be a new awareness of Sacred Heart in the neighborhood and that visitors will return again.
Grupo Tlaloc dancers provided historic Aztec dances.
Pat Archuletta grills a mean hotdog!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Block Party May 30

Sacred Heart Parish at 2760 Larimer Street in Denver will be having a block party, Saturday, May 30th from 10 am until 3 pm. There will be music, hot dogs, popcorn snow cones, entertainment and a chance to meet your neighbors. 
The beautiful, 130-year-old church will be open for viewing and information will be available about some of the church's better know parishioners, Blessed Julia Greeley and Molly Brown. The festivities will be held in the area just south of the church and all are welcome. Call 303-294-8032 for more information.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Father Gene Emrisek

Gene Emrisek was born in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area but has spent most of his years as a Capuchin and priest in Kansas and Denver. Before becoming pastor of Sacred Heart, he served in other Colorado ministries: pastor of St. Elizabeth's and of Annunciation in Denver and as part of the Capuchin mall ministry in Colorado Springs. Father has been pastor of Sacred Heart since July 2006 and is looking forward to celebrating the 130-year anniversary of the parish on September 19.
In his few spare moments, Father enjoys reading, playing racquetball, watching sporting events and an occasional good brew.

Monday, May 4, 2009

May Crowning

A sun-filled day greeted  the children who assembled in the entryway of Sacred Heart Church on Sunday May 3rd. Dressed in their finest and carrying fresh flowers, they were preparing for May Crowning to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, recognizing her as the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God. While the choir sang the traditional hymn, "Bring Flowers of the Fairest,"  brother and sister Juan Antonio and Flor Margarita Gonzales carried a small crown on a cushion while approaching the statue of Mary. Flor Margarita placed the crown on the statue of the Blessed Virgin and then all the children individually placed their flowers in vases at Mary's feet. This devotion was then followed by Mass. Each week, these young people are learning the fundamentals and traditions of their Catholic faith in religious education classes. Religious education is offered each Saturday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. For information call 303-294-9830

bottom photo, left to right,  Karol Martinez, Hada Marys Martinez, and Angel Oaxaca Rivas place flowers at the feet of the Virgin Mary

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday    8:00 and 11:45 am (English)
                            9:45 am and 5:00 pm (Spanish)

Holy Thursday service will be at 7:00 pm (Bilingual)

Good Friday services will be at 7:00 pm (Bilingual)

Holy Saturday    8:00 pm (Bilingual)

Easter    8:00 and 11:45 am (English)
                9:45 am and 5:00 pm (Spanish)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sacred Heart School

Sacred Heart School opened in 1880 with 150 applicants, two rooms in the church basement and two lay teachers. In 1882, six teachers from the Sisters of Charity arrived to provide help and lived in a frame cottage on 28th and Larimer Street. Enrollment continued to increase and in 1889, pastor Reverend John B. Guida, 
S. J., began raising money from European benefactors for a school and convent. Eventually, $52,000 was obtained and on February 3, 1890, Bishop Nicholas C. Matz, blessed the new school at 2840 Lawrence Street.
Sacred Heart School initially contained only the elementary grades, but by 1896 had added grades nine through twelve. In 1912, tuition was $1 a month for first, second and third graders; $2 a year for pupils of intermediate grades and high school. Non-members of the parish paid $1 a month in advance.
The Depression was instrumental in declining enrollment as young people left to find work and Sacred Heart High School was forced to close in 1939. The elementary school remained open until economics forced the Sisters of Cincinnati and the Jesuits to close its doors in 1976. 
The school and its graduates were held in high regard by educators, employers and the community. Notable graduates of the school included Bishop Hubert Newell, Bishop of Cheyenne, Father William Ryan, S. J., one time Dean of Regis College, Joseph Walsh, District Judge, Thomas Morrissey, U. S. District Attorney, and radio entertainer Ted Mack.
In 2003, the school was dedicated as Centro San Juan Diego, the Hispanic institute for pastoral and family care, empowering Hispanics through education, to become leaders in the Catholic Church and in society.
Photo of class of 1934 courtesy of Jan Gisewski Garland.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Restoration at Sacred Heart

With the removal of the old cream-colored paint from the rectory, Phase III of the restoration of Sacred Heart Parish has begun. The rectory will look as fresh as it did in 1883, the year it was built as a residence for the Jesuits and offices for the parish. The surface will then be given a coating to protect the natural red brick.
The parish finance council has arranged for the installation of 
4-foot crosses around the lot to the east of the church, representing the 14 stations of the cross. 15 trees will be planted along both 28th and Lawrence Streets.
The parish continues to revitalize the church and its surroundings, and invites its neighbors to get acquainted. Daily Mass is in the chapel (on the ground level) at 8 am.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beloved Julia Greeley

Julia Greeley, a former slave, moved to Denver in 1874 as a free servant in the household of Colorado Territorial Governor William Gilpin, his wife and their four children. Perhaps influenced by Mrs. Gilpin's Catholic faith, Julia was baptized at Sacred Heart Church in 1880 and became a daily communicant.
When Julia's position with the Gilpin family ended, she moved near Sacred Heart Church and began a life of service and charity. She received an inheritance from Mrs. Gilpin that would have allowed her to live a very comfortable life, but Julia used her money to help the needy, often delivering food and clothing at night so as not to embarrass anyone. 
Julia had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart and a particular concern for Denver's firemen, walking to each of the firehouses in the city to deliver leaflets and badges. Her forthright and cheerful manner compelled the men to listen and many firemen had Sacred Heart badges sewn into their helmets.
Julia died on her way to Mass at Sacred Heart Church on June 7, 1918, the feast of the Sacred Heart. She lay in state at the church where both rich and poor came to pay their respects. She left us a great legacy of quiet charity, faith and devotion.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ramon Quezada & Ruben Mora

Ramon Quezada and Ruben Mora have been involved with Sacred Heart Parish for a long time, working to ensure that the historic structure can serve its active congregation. Ramon has installed new flooring and remodeled the kitchen and together, they helped with the restoration and installation of pews in the choir loft. The pews were acquired from Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Boulder to help ease the crowding at the 9:45 Mass on Sunday.
The pews first needed to be stripped and refinished. The more challenging part of the task was getting them up to the choir loft, which is only accessible by a narrow stairway. The railing was removed from the loft, the pews lifted up by hand and each was then placed on its individual platform. The result has been an increase in seating for 120 people.
Sacred Heart is home to many dedicated volunteers like Ramon Quezada and Ruben Mora. You can meet some of them after Mass at 8, 9:45 and 11:30 am on Sundays.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Religious Education at Sacred Heart

On a clear, sunny Saturday morning in February, 120 children and their families are gathered at Sacred Heart Church for religious education. The lessons begin with a bi-lingual Mass with the children singing, doing the readings and bringing up the gifts. Father Gene Emrisek proclaims the gospel and the sermon in both Spanish and English, stressing that each person should try to concentrate on a single idea from each gospel. After the Mass is concluded, the children assemble for their individual classes.
Religious education is offered each Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30. 
For information, call Rosalie Martinez 
at 303-294-9830.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Celebrating 130 Years

Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 2760 Larimer Street will celebrate 130 years of continuous operation in the same building with a Mass at 5 pm on Saturday, September 19, 2009.

When the parish was authorized by Bishop Machebeuf in 1879, the neighborhood was one of the fastest growing parts of the young city and Larimer Street was Denver’s main thoroughfare. 

As Denver continued to grow, people moved away from older areas of town. Factories, warehouses and industry began encroaching on the residential neighborhood and, by the time of the Great Depression in 1929, Sacred Heart was serving low-income families and Larimer Street had become Denver’s skid row.

Over the years, the parish has struggled to survive financially while ministering to a large number of Hispanic Catholics and to the inner city community.

More recently, the parish has witnessed a revitalization of the neighborhood with new settlers wanting to be close to work and to experience the excitement of urban living. Sacred Heart welcomes all to the parish and to the 130th celebration.